So every year I have the dilemma of having a lot of leftover sweets. Usually, I just take it in to work to share with people, but this year I thought I'd do something different. Since I'm on this 52 pancake mission, why not find a creative way to use some of the candy? So here's my take on Halloween flavored pancakes.
I used M&Ms (afterall they're great in cookies), Whoppers (will add a nice surprising crunch), and Heath bars (just curious what this would be like). My husband's favorite was the Heath bar pancake, you just need to make sure you don't over cook it or the candy will burn. I was rather fond of the Whopper pancake because of the nice crunch it had. The M&M pancake was tasty too, but the candy coating melted pretty quickly in the batter. It did give the batter a nice swirl of color though.
Colorful swirls in the M&M pancake |
Candy overload! |
1/4 cup M&Ms
1/2 cup Whoppers
1/2 cup Heath bars
2. Divide batter into 3 separate bowls.
3. Mix the M&Ms into one of the bowls of batter.
4. In a food processor pulse the whoppers until crumbs form. Put the Whoppers in a bowl and set aside.
5. Pulse the Heath bars in a food processor and mix into one of the bowls of batter.
6. Heat a griddle or pan on medium heat and use butter to coat the griddle/pan.
7. Ladle M&M batter onto the griddle/pan. When bubbles begin to set around the edges of the pancake, gently flip and continue to cook for 1 to 2 minutes being careful not to let the candy burn. Do this until you run out of the M&M batter.
8. Ladle the plain pancake batter onto the griddle/pan and sprinkle the ground up Whoppers on top. When bubbles set around the edges, gently flip and continue to cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Again, be careful not to let the candy burn. Repeat until you run out of the batter.
9. Ladle the Heath bar batter onto the griddle/pan. When bubbles begin to set around the edges of the pancake, gently flip and continue to cook for 1 to 2 minutes being careful not to let the candy burn.
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