Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Week 7 - Pancakes for our Veterans

11/11/12 - After last weekend's candy-filled (and calorie-stuffed) pancakes, I have been craving something on the lighter side.  So fruit came to mind and with it being Veteran's day, I whipped up some patriotic looking pancakes with cut up strawberries and blueberries.  I topped it off with the raspberry syrup I made a few weeks back and voila!  A lighter and healthier pancake to balance out the sugar rush we got from last week.

Now you could try to argue with me that pancakes aren't healthy, and you're pretty much right.  But don't forget all the antioxidants that are packed in blueberries!  And I'm sure strawberries have some great benefits to them too, I just can't remember what it is.  And while the syrup, which is full of sugar may not help slim you down, it is better than the store-bought pancake syrup that has some questionable ingredients.  Have you ever looked at the back of an Aunt Jemima bottle?  Cellulose gum?  Who wants gum topping their pancakes?  Or are there people who do?  Hmmm...potential pancake recipe?  :-)

So I used the same base for the pancakes as week 5, but mixed in some fruit.  God bless Alton Brown for this simple and delicious base.  Why mess with a good thing, right?  Although I won't stick to this recipe for the next 40-some weeks, I don't think it'll work so well with some of the recipes I have in mind.  But it's great to use as a base and mix in what you like.  This week I made sure to have buttermilk on hand because last week when I used plain milk the cakes were pretty flat.  Buttermilk really does make all the difference.  Jó étvágyat!

6 oz.blueberries
10-12 large strawberries, sliced (set aside 1-2 sliced berries)

1. Prepare pancake batter per instructions from Week 5.
2. Using a wooden spoon, mix the blueberries and strawberries into the batter.

3. Ladle the batter onto the griddle/pan.  When bubbles begin to set around the edges of the pancake, gently flip and continue to cook for 1 to 2 minutes.
4. Top with homemade raspberry syrup and freshly sliced berries.

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